Thursday, January 04, 2007

Loving The Orb is easy because they're beautiful

So, the deal is this: I am sitting here at the office, busy as all hell because it's a new year and I have a new assignment to go along with my old one, and The Orb is soothing me right into lighthearted happiness and bliss. If The Orb's chief resident Dr. Alex Patterson is indeed a real doctor (I really have no clue), then he is the master physician to write a prescription to chill out. Hearing The Orb's ambient house live classic double album Live 93 on headphones while trying to collate, fabricate, extricate and deviate is something of a godsend for, what is turning out to be, a long 4 day workweek.
The voice samples are catchy and fun, from Martin Luther King and U-Roy to Rickie Lee Jones (on the classic "Little Fluffy Clouds") and Minnie Riperton. Riperton's "Loving You" hit from the 1970's is sampled on "A Huge Ever Growing Pulsating Brain That Rules From The Centre Of The Ultraworld", arguably their signature cut, as well as their debut single, which ends Live 93 on a 18'52" journey into, well, the Ultraworld. Patterson, who has done Orb collaborations with the likes of Steve Hillage (System 7, ex-Gong), Jimmy Cauty (ex-KLF, ex-Space) and Thomas Fehlmann, leads us all into the countryside rave setting without the Vicks or the glowsticks. Rather, you just sit there, staring at the night sky, gazing at the stars, and wondering what it all means. It's simple, really. According to The Orb, it means relax.

THE ORB Live 93 (Intermodo/Island, 1993)
Criminally out of print in the US, but used copies can be found here.

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